Monday, October 6, 2008


Abortion: An assault on the Defenseless. That is the title of the article in our church’s Ensign by Elder Russell M. Nelson. First off that me say that I believe in the sanctity of life. I believe that we all were created in the image of our Heavenly Father. Our bodies and our lives should be regarded as a gift from God. The only being who has the decision to take life is God himself. It is fascinating to me to hear how those who are pro choice refer to abortion. First we hear that because it is the women’s body it is therefore her choice and her choice alone. She should be given that choice of whether she wants to have this baby or not. Secondly, we hear pro choice as a women’s privacy matter. Those who are pro life have no regard for a women’s privacy. This is trickery! Do not be fooled by the way it is spelled out. This is about ABORTION. And there is no way around it. You cannot make it look and feel okay…it never will be. There is a great debate about when life actually begins. It seems to me, according to Russell M. Nelson, who not only is a very inspired individual but also a great medical surgeon, believes that life begins at conception when the sperm meets the egg and the cell is created. He also points out that over 40 million abortions are performed each year that is higher than the total deaths of soldiers in both WW1 and WW11 combined (only 30 million military fatalities). I suppose it all boils down to free agency given the right to choose. I don’t want to take away a persons’ God given right to choose! However, we CANNOT take away the consequences of our choices whether they are good or bad. Let me spell this out very clearly to those who are prochoice. When we choose to participate in an activity that causes one to get pregnant that than becomes the consequence of our action. At some point in our history we have ignored or tried to erase personal responsibility and accountability. This I believe has helped to cause a slight downfall in our nation, culturally as well as politically. We simply cannot erase the consequences!! It is sickening to hear how casual some can be when it comes to abortion. For instance, I believe it was The View (I do not recommend watching this show as it will make you stupider). They were discussing Sarah Palin’s daughter’s pregnancy. They said and I quote, “I just hope she was given a choice as to whether to have this baby or not…” the hairs on my arms stood up. This statement scared me. How does it make you feel? As a mother, I suppose I have become more sensitive. I felt sad for this little defenseless baby. Over 40 million babies are given no chance at life because it is more important that we respect a women’s privacy. What it truly is is that 40 million babies are dying because we have women and families and doctors who do not believe in personal responsibility or the sanctity of life. My question to prochoice “ers” are why not adoption. I know of several wonderful loving couples who are trying to adopt. Why not accept the consequence of your own action. Many believe that abortion is okay if the baby will be deformed i.e. down syndrome. This makes me sad, do we understand the purity and the love that these children have and can teach us. It is not our decision to choose whether a child is fit to be born or to be destroyed. It is my personal opinion that our body has its own natural process of detecting proper cell development; with improper development causing miscarriage. When we take God out of the picture we no longer have an appreciation for the sanctity of life. We as women and mothers must stand up for the defenseless and preserve the sanctity of life.


Matt and Angelica said...

I am so glad you are doing this type of blog!! That is great. I like what you said. I agree with all. I don't agree with abortion...not at all. I think it all begins in the home, children being taught the premarital sex is wrong, that when one does conceive out of wedlock to put it up for adoption. But unfortunately, children aren't being taught these principles. And as the world continues to decline fewer and fewer will. But I also fear the oppostie of legalized abortion. The effects I think might be in even greater and more drastic if abortion were on the black market. Thoughts of that make me shudder. Also, I strongly believe that each person does have agency. They can choose. The choice for one who makes the decision to destroy innocent life will be sever, beginning with the inner turmoil after-effects of their choice that they can NEVER hide from. And I know the atonement of Christ will even all things out in the end.

And here's another thought what about cases of rape or incest? I don't know if I agree with abortion in those cases, but I think that if such an awful thing were to happen to myself I would go to the nearest hospital and take the morning-after pill.

How grateful I am for the atonement in this crazy messed-up world!

andy and cami said...

Thanks for commenting, honestly it is truly refreshing to see others agree with me in feeling that Abortion is wrong and immoral.
You know i think with cases involving incest or rape it is between you and God. these are tough times we live in!