Friday, October 24, 2008

Let me be clear

I believe that majority of Americans are sick of our Government, sick of how politics is. We are tired of they way Washington is run..corrupt politicians!! We want a change a different candidate who understands this and will change this! I do not thing either candidate understands this. This frustrates me about both John McCain and Obama, the annoying thing is that Obama's campaign slogan is Change we can Believe in. Well, what change exactly, more government involvment b/c i believe majority of Americans do not want this..this is what we are sick of, we want less gov't and less corrupt politicans!! I believe that McCain is not much better...however he IS the less of the too evils!!


The Davies Family said...

I so agree! The more power we give to the federal government the more power the people lose. If we don't defend the Constitution it will not be able to defend us. I wish there was a better canidate. It feels like chosing the best of two evils.

Ryan said...

I agree, more government intervention will not solve all ills, we need less government.