Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Obama CANNOT win!!

I believe that the American people are smarter than the liberal media thinks. All I hear from them is praise and optimism about Obama, they must think that b/c they love him we will follow suit, without thinking for ourselves. I believe that majority of Americans do NOT want our country to radically change, possibly, under a very liberal president-OBAMA. I think a lot of Democrats really do want a better country, so do Republicans. I do not believe that Obama stands for the democratic party, i believe he stands for the secular progressives. Those who are debating about casting their votes towards obama...please take time to think about what this really means. Block out the views of HOLLYWOOD and the MEDIA. and think about a very Secular Progressive movement running our country. Is that what we want? for our children? Secular progressives demean religion and change our traditional values in radical ways. Obama may be against the WAR, he says he wants to pull out...fine that sounds great...but DO NOT let this be the reason you are voting for Obama. Stop and realize there are far greater values at stake with an Obama presidency. His plans for our country will cause our downfall! He may take us out of war, put he will allow ABORTIONS, GAY MARRIAGE, RAISE OUR TAXES, MORE GOV'T INVOLVEMENT. The two most important points however, are Abortion and Gay marriage...why are the good democrats ignoring this about Obama...OR is it Okay with them?? If it is SHAME ON THEM! War is not a more pressing issue than allowing innocent life to be murdered and God/religion to be ultimatly demeaned but legally recognizing gay marriage! these two issues alone will ultimatly destroy our country...why are whether we are at war or not more important than these two issues? I repeat this will literally destroy our country. we Must be a God fearing country!!
Don't believe me? lets look at Obama's voting record:
(1997) voted to allow partial-birth abortion (don't know what this is? shame on you, you should not be allowed to vote)
(2000) voted yes to allow state funded abortion and induced miscarriage
(02) voted NO to allow protection of newborns. part of the born alive infant protection package(if a child is born alive after an abortion, the child is then neglected through failure to provide medical treatment
I could go on. Obama may "look good" and be a very eloquent speaker, but beware he is like a wolf in sheeps clothing. sure i hate to go to war and would like our soldiers to come home, however, it is more important that we keep our country morally strong or we will destroy ourselves from the inside. Please do not let the fact that he is against the war cover up MORE important issues!


candice said...

wow cam--let it all out! so besides abortion and gay rights, both of which the president does not have a lot of say over, what else do you hate about obama--besides the media attention he receives? do you think under mccain the government will be a any smaller or involvement any less? have you looked at his healthcare plane or other options he has set out on the table regarding the economy, which he admittedly knows nothing about? i do believe that abortion is important and takes away the chance of life, but american's foreign policy should not be so easily dismissed. our foreign policy affects millions all over the world--we need to think about them too, and the president actually is involved with foreign issues.

Tara Lynn said...

i totally agree with you. i wish more people would realize what they want to vote into office is socialism. oh well, in the end the Lord is in control!

andy and cami said...

Yeah i did lay it all out there didn't i?!

heidi nielsen said...

Actually I think the president does have A LOT of say on abortion and gay rights because he appoints Supreme Court judges. Of course, there's no guaruntee they'll do this while in office, but you always have to consider it when voting because it's always a possibility.

andy and cami said...

I am glad you brought this up Heidi, The next president will be the ones to nominate the supremem court justices. We know that Obama only likes the liberal ones. as on CNN he said that he would not have nominated Clarence Thomas (who should be the hero for all blacks in this country) and justice scalia, and john roberts all of who are very conservative judges.

heidi nielsen said...

Yes, nominate not appoint. Sorry for the typo.