Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Obama is an evil man


The Davies Family said...

I just love your blog! Keep up the good work! I didn't know you liked politics.


candice said...

can't watch that video. just to let you know, mccain is for state to state deciding on abortion as well as gay rights---so if Illinois allows this it would not change under mccain, same with gay rights in California and Massachusetts (which gained their rights under mitt romney).

Utah Dogma said...

I'm not actually sure that this comment will actually make it out there, but I figure it's worth a shot. First off, I really do think that Americans are looking for change. I guess that depends on your feelings for Bush. Look at what has happened to the country in the last eight years. We're in a war that we can't win, close to a trillion dollars in debt, and internationally we have relatively few friends. Is this the path we want to continue on? Change can be good. I understand that change can also be bad. The thing is, there are checks and balances in our government. The president can't just do whatever he wants. That's the thing. Raising taxes? Pretty much every president is going to do this. And actually, Barack is saying that the only people who will see tax increases are those making over $250,000 a year. According to the Tax Policy Center, the Obama plan provides three times as much tax relief for middle class families as the McCain plan. As for the claims that Senator Obama has voted to allow partial-birth abortion, or voted so that newborns would be neglected and allowed to die, is just flat out ridiculous. Honestly, it is. Do you really think Obama is an evil man? That he has these plans to kill babies and is going to be the next evil dictator? All the allegations that Obama is connected with terrorists, do you really think he's in with them? Maybe he's also in with Osama Bin Laden.
I think it is true, you can tell a lot about a person by who they associate with. But at the same time, I'm not sure you can. Does that mean we should avoid being friends with gay people? Should we avoid being friends with people just because they think or act differently than us? I'm not saying we should go out and be friends with criminals or anything, but we shouldn't be so quick to judge. As for government regulation, I say why not? We got into this mess because of people taking advantage of the loopholes in the system. I think a little more government regulation to make sure this doesn’t happen again won't be a bad thing. I really think it just depends on how it's used. I can see really bad things happening from the government not stepping in at all, just like I can see really bad things happening if the government goes too far and controls everything. As for government run schools, I haven't heard anything on that, but isn't our current system of public school paid for and run in a sense by the government? Standardized testing? No child left behind? I'm wondering if when the design for the Postal System came out, people were calling the designer a socialist as well.

heidi nielsen said...

I thought this was a pretty good overview of this topic.

The way I see it, Obama gave excuses, and when one didn't hold up he gave another. Anyone who votes down laws that would require comfort care to born alive aborted babies as they die is sick. This has nothing do with being pro life or pro choice, this is all about a human life that has been born!

heidi nielsen said...

Sorry, for posting on your blog without explaining myself. I found it on a post you made on Heather's facebook. We were at Wymount together. I think Andy was even our hometeacher.